Wednesday, April 30, 2014


pink and usual

new pink glitter

sharpie snowflakes

so i tried the sharpie mani that was going all around pinterest. my verdict: STICK WITH PAINT. it smeared when i put clear coat on it, even after following the tips online (waiting a while for the marker to dry, spraying it with hairspray to set it ((whick idk why i thought that would work considering there is alcohol in hair spray...))) but hey, i tried!

foil and lalaloopsy

so i got this foil from a kit at walmart. one kit was black polish with silver foil and the other was blue with gold foil. it was only a couple bucks so i bought them both to try them out. my review? ehhhh....

lalaloopsy. i love the colors of this character. red. pink. black. (like mostly everything in my closet.) three of my favorite colors!

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

snowflakes and snowmen. i love winter almost as much as i love fall. its hard to tell, but i started with a blue base and dabbed on gray with seran wrap.